
Reflecting on One Year with Our Beautiful Lexi Girl

It’s hard to believe that come July 6, our precious baby girl will be a year old. It might sound like a cliché, but it seems like only yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital. 9 pounds 3 ounces, dark hair on her head, and deep brown eyes. As she’s grown, she’s gotten more beautiful with each passing day, in my opinion. As I look back on photos of her, she’s changed so much in such a short amount of time, and I’ve fallen in love with each version of her.

Things I Didn’t Know About Motherhood

Motherhood is an experience that is both challenging and rewarding. Despite having many friends who became mothers before me, and despite listening to them tell me about their experiences, there was absolutely nothing that could have prepared me for the reality of motherhood. There were parts that were way more difficult than I anticipated, but there are also parts that are so much better than I could ever have imagined.

On Weight Gain and Body Acceptance

Over the past few years, I’ve put on a lot of weight. It actually started with a medication that I had to take for bipolar disorder. One of the side effects was that I put on a few pounds. But it wasn’t until recently, when I got pregnant with my first child, that the weight really started to pile on. During my pregnancy, I was a bit overwhelmed at the rate at which I was gaining weight, and it was hard to prevent it from happening. I was constantly hungry, and as my pregnancy progressed, I replaced going to the gym with more leisurely walks because I was constantly winded and tired from my workouts.

Mango Lime Sangria

This past 4th of July weekend, I concocted a beverage that may be the best sangria I’ve ever made. That’s saying a lot, especially since this is made with white wine and I typically prefer to drink a flavorful red.

Simple Zucchini & Naan Mini Pizza

I absolutely love naan, which is an Indian style flat bread that I often purchase from Wegmans. Typically, I heat it in the oven and serve it with hummus. Recently, I tried something a little different — and I absolutely love how it came out!

How Creativity Can Help You Cope With Mental Illness

When I was first diagnosed with bipolar, I suffered from a variety of seriously negative thoughts and emotions. From feelings of embarrassment and shame, to feeling abandoned by people I cared about, to feeling confused about my diagnosis, my mind was constantly overwhelmed and bombarded.

Cinnamon Apple Cider Sangria

This sangria takes apple cider to a whole new level! With the sweet taste of cider paired with a hint of cinnamon, oranges, merlot, and brandy, this refresher is perfect for any time of year.

3 Tips for a Stylish and Relaxing Home

They say that home is where the heart is — surrounding yourself with a beautiful home will make you feel at ease and will help you relax. As a soon-to-be first-time homeowner, I’m looking forward to my move-in date – where for the first time I can move in to a space and make it completely my own. I’ve lived in three different rented spaces in the past four years, and I’m looking forward to being more firmly rooted somewhere.

Four Qualities of an Extroverted Introvert

As a big fan of personality quizzes, I’ve spent a significant amount of time pondering whether or not I’m introverted or extroverted. There’s something so validating about taking a quiz and receiving a resulting reading that explains you and your behavior. I think it stems from our desire as humans to feel understood (and to understand ourselves).