DIY Floral Wooden Letters

I was shopping at Home Depot recently when my boyfriend walked up to my shopping cart holding some wooden letters he had found. They were a J and an L for Juan and Lauren (those are our names, for those of you who don’t know).

A Walk in the Park During COVID-19

It’s a warm, dazzling spring day. The birds are chirping, the forsythia is yellow and cheerful, and the sun is shining. The cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and I feel as though I’m walking through a magical fairytale land.

Five Ways to Maintain Your Mental Health During the COVID-19 Quarantine

In times of uncertainty, it’s easy for anxiety levels to rise. I know I’ve felt it – the worry of walking past a stranger on a necessary grocery store trip and wondering if they could have the virus. The obsessive use of hand sanitizer after I touch anything. Walking the other direction at the park after seeing someone cough without covering their mouth. The realization of just how often I touch my face. The tension and boredom of being stuck at home with no place to go.

A Comprehensive List of Thrift & Consignment Clothing Boutiques Near Cherry Hill, NJ

If you’re like me and you’re constantly on the hunt for new thrift stores (and you happen to live near Cherry Hill, NJ), this post is your ultimate gold mine! Besides compiling a list of my favorite haunts, I’ve also explained a bit about each store — what’s great about them and (in some cases) what’s not-so-great.

My Top 6 All-Time Favorite Books

Honestly, it’s been a little while since I’ve read a good book. Lately I’ve started to really miss reading — I miss being swept up in a fictional world or reading on my favorite subjects to become more knowledgeable about them.

On Bipolar and Finding My Own Silver Lining

Last year, I missed my own birthday.

I actually went out to dinner with two close friends for my 31st birthday. But I wasn’t really there. The reason was because I was experiencing my second manic-psychotic episode during that outing. The chemicals in my brain were roaring in imbalance. I might as well have been on drugs, because I had become an entirely different person.

4 Special Details That Make a Home Fascinating

I both love to decorate and love to appreciate other people’s home décor. I’ve probably said this before, but I’ll say it again: your home tells the story of who you are. I always find myself entranced by the way that other people decorate, whether it’s similar to my design style or totally different. Here are some of the things about decorating that I find fascinating.

4 Compelling Reasons to Shop Secondhand

Anyone who knows me knows about my obsession with thrift store shopping. I’ve blogged about it many a time, and I can be found in a thrift store at least twice a week hunting down the latest fashion bargain.

How Bipolar Disorder Affected My Life in 2019

In a few (since deleted) posts I’ve shared on my blog, I alluded to the fact that the past year and half has been a tough time period for me. I struggled for a while with whether or not I should share what’s been going on, but I feel that not talking about this has created a bit of a writer’s block for me. In the spirit of unblocking myself, here’s the truth of what’s been going on in my life.